What Is a Loan Shark? A loan shark is a person or an entity that loans money at extremely high-interest rates. They often use threats of violence to collect debts. The interest rates are generally well above an established legal rate. And, often loan sharks are members of organized crime […]
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What Does “Derogatory Marks on Credit Report” Mean? If you’ve experienced financial misfortune, from late bills to bankruptcy, that negative information can appear on your credit reports as derogatory marks. It may stay there for several years, but there are a few ways you can address it. You can dispute […]
“Account Information Disputed by Consumer Meets FCRA Requirements” – What Does That Mean? “Account information disputed by consumer meets FCRA requirements” means that YOU (the consumer) are disputing information that has been reported to your credit agency about your account. FCRA is an acronym for the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). […]