What Is Net Cash Flow? Net cash flow refers to the difference between a company’s cash inflows vs outflows in a given period. Net cash flow also refers to the change in a company’s cash balance as reported on its cash flow statement. It is not the same as net income or […]
Monthly Archives: November 2020
3 posts
What Is a Leveraged Buyout? A leveraged buyout (LBO) is the acquisition of a company using a significant amount of borrowed money to fund the purchase. Assets are used as collateral for the additional debt. This includes assets of the company being acquired as well as assets of the acquiring […]
What Is Sandbagging in Business and Finance? Sandbagging is a strategy of lowering the expectations of a company in order to appear to produce greater-than-anticipated results. In a business context, sandbagging is most often seen when a company’s top executives manage the expectations of shareholders. They do this by providing […]