Is The Oxford Club a Scam? The Oxford Club Review 2020

oxford club scam

What is The Oxford Club?

the oxford club reviewsThe Oxford Club is a private investment club.  Membership is based on different subscription levels to its newsletters and reports.  Alexander Green is the Investment Director and the author of multiple newsletters and books about investment and wealth preservation.  Mr Green has over 20 years of experience working on Wall Street.

Oxford Club at a Glance

  • Name: The Oxford Club
  • Owned By: The Agora Group – which is also the parent company of Agora Financial, Stansberry Research, Banyan Hill Publishing, Money Map Press
  • Type: Financial newsletter & Investment Advice/services
  • Website:
  • Cost to Join: Subscriptions range from $49-$129 per year

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“We have a unique and proven approach to helping our Members create and preserve “a rich life.” Of course, “being wealthy” is a relative term. We all have our personal definition of what this means to us.  To become truly rich, you should build not only financial capital.  But, intellectual and social capital as well.  The Oxford Club will afford you many opportunities to build and protect extraordinary capital, in all its forms.”

“We start with our time-tested Pillar of Wealth Investment System.  Principles to consistently beat the market. Our award-winning track record is proof that our system works.  The Oxford Club is a private, international network of trustworthy and knowledgeable investors and entrepreneurs. Our mission is simple – to help our Members grow and protect their wealth.  The Club’s investment philosophy and ability to share new ideas have passed the test of time. For well over two decades, we’ve been successful, and through all market conditions.  While we’re selective, we are not a secret organization.”


The Oxford Club, Facebook and Bill O’Rielly

News Flash:  Bill O’Reilly is urging Americans to pay for investment advice.  Advice from a company that has been repeatedly accused of peddling false information to consumers.  More than one subsidiary is currently being sued or is under investigation by the FTC.

oxford club membership feesO’Reilly has appeared in nearly 1,000 Facebook advertisements since August promoting “Liberty Through Wealth”.  It is an initiative paid for by The Oxford Club. Named to reflect a “combination of old-world sensibility and modern technology,” according to its own description. The Oxford Club sells subscriptions to newsletters containing investment advice its ads claim can make readers rich — just like O’Reilly.

During one week in early November, Liberty Through Wealth was the tenth-highest political ad spender on Facebook.  They purchasing $91,775 worth of ads. Clicking through the ad, the viewer is prompted to buy a subscription that costs between $49 to $99 a year. The subscription comes with a copy of O’Reilly’s new book.  Also, a report is included that makes the following promise. “You’ll discover the company that’s trying to WIPE OUT cancer with its proprietary genetics testing tools, catching cancer long before it’s a threat.”

O’Reilly did not respond to HuffPost’s request for comment about how much he is being paid for the partnership. 

HuffPost reached out to Facebook on Friday to ask if The Oxford Club’s ads violated the platform’s prohibition on “deceptive, false, or misleading claims.” Six hours later, Facebook spokesperson Crystal Davis said the ads would be removed for violating company policies. The ads started disappearing soon after.

Source: & huffton post

Is The Oxford Club a Scam

The Oxford Club’s parent company is The Agora Group.  Agora is a Baltimore-based publishing company with dozens of subsidiaries.  The Agora is also the parent company of Agora Financial, Stansberry Research, Banyan Hill Publishing, Money Map Press.  All have a fairly bad reputation for unethical marketing tactics.  Collectively, the Group publishes books and newsletters about investing, health supplements and luxury travel. The Federal Trade Commission contends that much of the material Agora publishes is misleading, if not outright false.

“In October, the Federal Trade Commission sued Agora Financial, another subsidiary, for violating the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices affecting commerce. The FTC alleged that Agora Financial had been telling consumers that Trump’s new tax law entitled them to thousands of dollars in “Congressional Checks.” To make the seemingly too-good-to-be-true claim appear convincing, some marketing materials included doctored congressional financial disclosure reports that purportedly showed that then-Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) had received a $410,000 Congressional Check, according to the FTC’s complaint.  Issa’s actual financial disclosure report, which is publicly available, shows no record of receiving the check, the FTC noted in its complaint.

The FTC also discovered that a separate Agora company claimed that computers, televisions and cell phones could cause diabetes through radiation. For $249, the consumer could learn how to reverse the problem.”


Complaints About the Oxford Club

Some of the stocks recommended by The Oxford Club are microcap stocks.  These are a class of stocks that are generally very cheap per share. However, these stocks are often criticized because they are easy to manipulate through pump and dump schemes.

What is a Pump and Dump Scam?

A company or investor first buys a large amount of shares at the affordable price.  Usually, these are shares from a small company called a micro-cap.  Micro-cap stocks are considered illiquid as only small amounts are available or traded on daily basis.  Next, the investor promotes the stock and encourages others to purchase shares.  The purpose is to instigate or manipulate artificial demand to raise the share price. Once the price has risen significantly, the company or investor can sell their shares.  Ultimately, this results in the stock price dropping.  The winner is the company or investor that purchased the shares originally at an affordable price.  The losers are those who are left holding the stock with little or no value after the dump.

Pump and dump scams are Illegal

“An investor or group of investors promoting a stock they hold and selling once the stock price has risen following the surge in interest as a result of the endorsement.  The stock is usually promoted as a “hot tip” or “the next big thing” with details of an upcoming news announcement that will “send the stock through the roof.” The details of each individual pump and dump scam tend to be different but the scheme always boils down to a basic principle: shifting supply and demand.”

“Pump and dump scams tend to work on small and micro-cap stocks that are traded over the counter. These companies tend to be highly illiquid and can have sharp price movements when volume increases. The group behind the scam increases the demand and trading volume in the stock and this new inflow of investors leads to a sharp rise in its price. Once the price rise has formulated, the group will sell their position to make a large short-term gain.”


The Oxford Club Reviews

The Better Business Bureau listed 46 complaints filed at the time this article was written.  There were three main causes for complaints and negative reviews:

People who were Misled by the Ads

Review Example:  “The product or service given to me totally did not match what the company said. In its ad on- line, if one became its member, he/she would be guided to buy potential penny or cheap stocks which would skyrocket in the future. So, I subscribed and became a member. I put in my order in November, 2019 and paid $49.00. The whole month after the order, I received near a hundred reports and explanations via emails.  All with the suggestion that I had to attend more programs.  Ultimately, I would have to  pay more money if I want to buy the stocks the company mentioned in its ad. It is just talk, talk and talk …..

People Who Lost Money

Review Example: “Stock Sequence Trader guaranteed that I would make money. So, I purchased this subscription. The sales pitch was that the stocks recommended did not currently issue dividends.  But, within a reasonable amount of time -say a year- the stock price would sky-rocket. Only one stock started issuing dividends and it was a big loser. Most of the stocks I bought tanked. I have lost a lot of money plus the $2200 subscription fee. Marc’s proprietary software was supposed to be very accurate in predicting “Ignition Events”. It obviously is not. I subscribed to Stock Sequence Trader to see an appreciation in valuation of the stocks picked. But, also the eventual dividends that were promised. This subscription is a real dud and has hit me hard.”

People Who Were Overcharged

Review Example: “The Advertisement on Facebook offered a bundle of information for 49.00 per year. After putting in all CC info, it gave a receipt for 466.80. The Oxford club advertises a 49.00\year membership bundle that includes a newsletter service and some books. When I logged on to the website (via mobile), it had a big button to choose either the 49.00 or a higher tier, which I believe was 129.00. I chose 49.00 and it took me to a page for my billing information. Once I put that in, it took be through several pages of what seemed to be advertising information on the benefits of the deal. I got to the end and it gave me a receipt for 466.80.”

“They should be forced to take down the advertisement.  Or, otherwise advertise very clearly that you are about to agree to an over 400.00 charge. I also want them to STOP trying to take money out of my account.”


Oxford Club Membership Fees

Basic Subscription $49 per year – This is their cheapest subscription level.  It still provides most everything needed including digital-only reports and some of the premium bonuses.

Premium Subscription $79-99 per year (depending on the offer) – The sales pitch claims this is marked down from a usual price of $249 per year.  It includes digital as well as print reports along with more bonuses and written materials like Special Reports and books.

Standard Subscription $129 per year – This subscription level costs more than the Premiumm Subscription and actually includes LESS services and material.  These people are very clever marketers.  The Standard Rate is likely included to push new customers to the Premium subscription level.  Once on the mailing list, upsell opportunities are available.

What is The Oxford Club $3 Stock Promotion About?

Alexander Green at the Oxford Club has a long running ad out for his single stock retirement plan:

“I’m going to show you how a modest investment in a single $3 stock.  Itcould generate a multimillion-dollar dream retirement in the coming years.  I call it the ‘Single-Stock Retirement Plan.’  Some might find the idea of retiring on one stock outlandish.  Yet, many thousands of Americans have already done it.  In fact, as you’re about to see, the 20 wealthiest men and women in America today made their fortunes thanks largely to a single stock.   I only recently uncovered it.  And, if you move quickly – before an upcoming announcement set for August 20 – this $3 stock could hand you the kind of carefree retirement most people only dream about.”  Alexander Green

Hon Hai Precision Industry – Foxconn

Why is this stock unknown? Mr Green says it does not trade in a normal way, and it’s not on a US exchange.  Quite mysteriously, it literally trades under a secret name.  It turns out the stock is Foxconn, known as Hon Hai Precision Industry in its home country. Taiwan.

“This is, as several readers have already figured out, the Taiwanese company Foxconn, known for playing a major role in assembling Apple’s iPhones but also a bit supplier to most of the world’s gadget makers. Foxconn is the world’s largest contract manufacturer and one of the largest private employers in China (if not the largest), and is one of the largest tech companies in the world (at least on a revenuebasis).

And the “secret name?” Foxconn is the more widely-known name of the company, adopted when they were trying to get more international sales around 1980, and its the name you’ll see most articles use (as when they discuss the massive “Foxconn City” in Shenzhen, which has more than 200,000 workers), but the actual name under which it was founded (in 1974) is Hon Hai Precision Industry, and it’s still listed under that name in Taiwan. You can see the company’s own description of itself on their website here.”


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Always keep this investment caveat in mind: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” If someone you don’t know gives you a stock tip, stop and think.  Why they would be willing to give you such valuable information?  Do not think you can make a large and quick investment return because it’s unlikely to happen. It’s also vital that you do your own research about any investment. This should help you avoid being duped by hot stock tips and pump and dump scams.

The Oxford Club offers a variety of different services.  The newsletters are cheap and affordable for most investors.  But, it is impossible for me to ignore the bad publicity these people get for misleading advertising.  Moreover, the Federal Trade Commission has filed a lawsuit because of these dubious practices.  At the end of the day, you have to realize that these promotions are being made by clever and experienced marketers.  Obviously, they have something to gain by selling you investment advice.    Why don’t they just follow this great investment advice thermselves?  Why would they rather create slick ad campaigns targeted at unsuspecting viewers on Social Media?

Please, always do your own research.  Then, double check ANY stock recommendations that you receive.  Ultimately, all investments, gains, and losses are your responsibility.

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